16 Jun / 07 Jul 2023


Tommy Lennartsson

Smiling coyote, 2022. Mixed media on canvas. 90 x 70 cm

Exhibit gallery hosts the first exhibition in Spain of the Swedish artist Tommy Lennartsson (1970) with a selection of figurative paintings that masterfully capture the changing moods of contemporary life.

From pastel colours, flowers and pets to black strokes and faces with grotesque features, Lennartson’s work always shows an existential humour and an imaginative incorporation of influences, such as George Condo, Phillip Guston or Francisco Goya.

The spleen of urban life is mixed with orgiastic scenes that reflect the madness inscribed in the everyday, taking on macabre or carnivalesque overtones; a multitude of emotions and gestures expressed by cartoon characters or by new human figures of his own creation that unleash the viewer’s imagination.